It's hard to exercise power and control in your life when what you have been exercising is powerlessness and lack of control. When you are not to keen on handling the steering wheel in your life, you will find yourself under the control of situations and other people who ought not to be in the driver's seat. Why do you enslave yourself to others by giving all the love, respect and authority you should keep for yourself? Read on deeeear reader............
Belitlled is how i feel
Heavens let me keep still
It's against my will
To keep chasing after you
Longing after you
Dreaming of you....
What happened to control?
Walked away took a stroll
I made a promise to myself
Will no longer be your little "elf"
My weakness is your strength
And you will wait for whatever length
Of time for me to come chasing
A matter of time and I’ll come racing
Your eyes will smile, you will be pleased
That my desperation has got me leashed
I will love you with my all
And receive no affection at all
i will keep on hoping
But that will result to nothing
That cycle sad but true
Was real when i was hooked on you
Belittled is what i feel
Won’t last for an eternity this that i feel
It’s been days and I’ve been still
i know time will heal
Communication is two-way traffic and I would appreciate it if you commented. So what’s on your mind?
so deeeep!
Pursue your passion for your vision to express yourself,it is a good begining to a brighter tommorrow.remember all things work together for good to them that love God,to them that were called according to his purpose
forgive me for what i'm about to write.
You freaking son of a bitch!!!!
YOU.....CAN.....WRITE.what did i tell you.you know it and i know you know it but i gotta say it again. you've got the freaking author's hand.if it's the hate that's making you write like this, or sadness or suffering, i suggest you endure it because you write they way a king rules.
No lies man! i feel like words were made just for you to use. they exist because you know how to play around, shape and curve them.
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