How do you gain by committing your brain and energy to bring misery into someone's life? Exactly how do you gain by seeing someone in pain if you are not plain insane? Time wasted will never be recovered and a brain is aterrible thing to waste, so invest this two wisely and positively for what goes around comes around...
Did i seat
and let you intromit
chaos into my life
will i just seat
and let you comit
your energy to ruining my life
I have been silent as you are busy
I'm aware you think i am easy
prey to occupy your forever idol, sleazy
mind,keep at it and you will find
how vain, how your thinking is behind
Piece of advice from a brother to the insane,
stop this nonsense your brain is in the drain
A brain is a terrible thing to waste...get it out of the drain!
Okay, don't mind it if i keep saying this, but, i never realized how smart your poetry is. i love this particular one because it hit me somewhere.My brain was in the drain, now its getting out because i read your piece.
Now i know where to go for daily inspiration so you better write everyday like six times a day. you write really well and i'm not just saying that because i know you. you've got the AUTHOR'S HAND....don't waste it.
dope,keep keeping on
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