Freedom! What is freedom?Dictionary.com defines freedom as 'the condition of being free of restraints' or 'liberty of the person from slavery detention or oppression'.My defination is something close to that, freedom is the ability to go after what you desire without any limitations or restrictions.Kenya attained it's independence in 1963 and so we are free (thats what we say) . After attaining 18 years a couple of years back, I am now an "independent" personality with the "freedom'' to make my own decisions and so that's the case.And so if i am really free, why am I not there where i want to be?I don't have to board a bus or a matatu to a certain place but indeed there is a destination.
There are limiting factors that restrict me to get where i want to be but if i was giving you advice I would say "If you really want to get there ,go!"I should get going there anyway i could but something else is what keeps me in bondage here.Fear.I know i have to do what i have to do but everytime I want to get moving , the questions set in fueled by fear and an element of doubt."what if i fail ...or fall...what if i don't fly...what are they going to think?"All these and things that i shouldn't give a damn about and then find a shady excuse not to perform.
Fear disables me from going after what i desire, the unseen obstacle between me and the realisation of my dreams.Courage is what i need, what i don't have.It's the ability to take a risk and just do it regardless of the what ifs.It's not going to be easy as abc to embrace courage which isn't a commodity that you get in the supermarkets' shelves, it isnt popeye's spinach .Courage is strength and fear is the exact opposite...weakness.But human beings are full of flaws and weaknesses unlike God so apart from seeking divine intervention how do i get this instinct that will get me there?The answer is insanity. If sanity reminds me that I am human and I have weaknesses , I say what the heck!What about me and where i want to be?
When you focus all your energy on getting where you want to be and forget everything else that is standing in your way ,you will get there.When you wake up this morning and block your mind of anything else but doing it and actually do it , you will have achieved that true independence that, true freedom.We claim to be free but so many things hold us down like pursuing careers that you didn't chose for yourself or hanging out with people you would rather not.What's stopping you from being comfortable with your life?Are you a prisoner underneath ?What you need to do is be free and that much craved for liberty will not come on a silver plate.Go for it!Claim your space in the heavens among the brightest of stars.
1 comment:
i couldn't agree with you more! some things need to be done when one is insane. But no, courage is not the opposite of fear. Courage is when you are insane with fear and you feel like you want to slit your own throat and die but you push your self, push against all those things that terrify you, fan them away,suffer because of the passion you have for what you do and somehow end up getting just what you wanted. Now That's what i call courage(i'm yet to find it).
my advice, keep doing whatever, its all for you, all because of you.it doesn't matter what people think, they don't count because in the end, you are your only best friend.
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