Thursday, February 01, 2007


Disappointment! I hate it when it comes along.Disappointment like death can stop you dead in your track.The good news is that unlike death you can do something about it. You don't have to let it demoralise you, you don't have to let be a barricade to your hopes and dreams,your efforts,your goals.

If i had written this yesterday when i was just from a disappointing audition, i would have clearly lost the point.I felt lost. I felt like i didn't belong to that particular genre that they were looking for (afrofusion) or anyother for that matter.Somebody asked me what kind of music i do and i said the first thing that was on my mind-"I dont know." Later i thought that was a stupid i don't. It can be Afrofusion-neosoulrnbsoftrockish or not. What i do know is that my music is earthmusic ,human music and it's an expression of who i am.

Those dropped from that audition were told they could come back the next day and prove they were afrofusion artists.I might not fit in that category .What will i sing?...

I'm not going , I don't have to
If they are not looking for me
Then somebody else is
And that's who I'm looking for

Maybe you're thinking , that this chap right here, really knows how to console himself. I'm looking for somebody who is going to appreciate my 'art' for what it is ,not change it ,maybe better it. One thing's for sure, God knows why I'm doing what I'm doing .Maybe it's for the music ,maybe it's for a greater course.I believe I'm on the right track of my life's journey , my destiny.

I am a person looking for appreciation for who I am.

1 comment:

Mcheko said...

Man, that's the way 2go. In this life few are they hu follow their hearts desires let alone get to really know what their heart longs for. True, in ur pursuit shit is inevitable but pushn thru the shit is up 2u and only u. By way loved ur perfomance (social Sundy)